Monday, December 31, 2012


6 pm to 1 am SLT
Dec31 2012 to Jan 1 2013

What an awesome night it was! We had the Earth Globe with all the timezones and New Year's countdowns showing so we went from London to Alaska - 10 solid hours with multiple events, Live singers and DJ's! And it all flew buy! Every hour the fireworks would go off and another Reveillon was lived, so we kept on going back and forth between 2012 and 2013 until there was no more 2102 to go back to!

Thank you all Birdlanders and new faces for the amazing night and for coming to party 2012 away with us. We wish you all the best 2013, RL and SL! And we'll be seeing you in all those familiar places... Particularly this one, by the waterfront... Birdland lives to see another year..... Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Back to Back

What an amazing duo they make.
DJ Goat Ebbage and Dilah Halostar perform back to back every Monday, from 7 to 9 pm SLT.
The Vintage Jazz of Misfit DJ Goat opens for the incredibly talented Dinah and her piano.
We can't wait for next week! What a marvelous pair of hours @ Birdland!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jackie Lefko flies right!

It is our pleasure to announce Jackie is spreading her wings!
A Birdland exclusive until now, she is seeking other stages and we hope more people
will thus be able to enjoy this marvelous Jazz singer.

Jackie remains loyal to the Bird, however, thinking of it as her "home base",
and will continue to delight us with her sets every Tuesday at 7 pm SLT. As in... today!

We love you, Jackie. Thank you for supporting us.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Vintage Jazz

After a first surprise appearance at the Bird, last Saturday, DJ Goat Ebbage joins
our Misfit DJ family, spinning a regular Monday 7 pm set.
Although vintage Jazz is not uncommon at Birdland, DJ Goat's playlist is mostly made
of classic Jazz pieces from the Between Wars period, 20's and 30's, with an
occasional incursion into Modern Age Jazz standards, creating a very particular niche
for Jazz lovers all around Second Life.

Welcome to Birdland, Goat!

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Professor

The Professor debuts on our stage this evening, becoming a Friday regular singer @ Birdland!
Professor Showbiz 's fun and energetic shows leave your venue's patrons way beyond entertained.
His shows are full of humor, fun and "smarntastic" attitude. The Professor believes in interacting and connecting with the audience so they are engaged and a part of the show.

Welcome to Birdland, Professor!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Welcome to Birdland, Dilah!

A new regular singer steps on our stage this evening.
Dilah Halostar brings her voice and musical talent to Birdland at 8 pm and will
do so every Monday from now on. We are very proud to count her among our live artists.

She began piano lessons at age 7 and her musical education was accomplished both at
school, music was her college major, and with a road band she joined soon after.
Versed in most types of music she enjoys Blues and Jazz standards in SL. Funny (at least she thinks so), warm and passionate she lights up the stage singing while playing the piano for most of the show.
Oh, and her name is pronounced "Deelah" - so you know!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

We have Anna!

Born to one of the Fushikizoh family traditions, DJ'ing, Anna Kurka is like a hybrid
of Deep House and Jazz and her particular style will bring something new to Birdland!
After a long period of obscure underground parties and private rave events she agreed
to become a Misfit DJ with us, and only with us!

Anna will spin every Sunday at 11 am - a Birdland EXCLUSIVE treat!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mavenn Sings Live! @ Birdland

Mavenn debuts at the Bird today.
A talented Jazz singern, she is a superb addition to our regular line up.
We will have her live every Thursday at 7 pm, starting today! Welcome to Birdland, Mavenn!

"A vocalist fast becoming one of Second Life's most daring chanteuses; this lady simmers
with emotion almost like a slow burn as the she continues to showcase elegance.
Mavenn negotiates her way through jazz and blues, among other styles, with soulful confidence
and gives notice that her vocal prowess is on the rise and is easy to be mesmerized and excited by."

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween @ Birdland Part 2

And the parteh went on with Jackie Lefko joining LIVE on our stage and DJ Dix right after with an awesome Halloween set! I played Danny Elfman from Tim Burton's again and we had a blast!
Thank you all for coming and supporting Birdland!
But wait... Halloween is this Wednesday right? Right!

All the photos from this event can be seen right HERE!

Check our Schedule soon for updates and the Events pages on SL Web!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween @ Birdland Part 1

Today, Part 2 at 12 pm SLT! Be there and be ready to scare!
See yesterday's event photos HERE!

Schedule October 29 to November 04

Changes abound! New singers lining up this week, falling into regular weekly slots!
Updated 11.01.12. More coming!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tim Burton's HALLOWEEN Special Events!

We're fighting to good fight at the Bird! And what better way to do it then with a Halloween special?
Let's get crazy scary and spooky and come Swing to the songs of Sweeny Todd, Nightmare before Christmas, Edward Scissor Hands, Beetle Juice and more!

Bring your best/worst AV/Costume of the season!
Your treats our tricks! Did I get that right?
Come and have fun while you help us keep Birdland running!

We have a new Star!

Oh, my God! Where has this woman been all my life!
She is talented, she is amazing and she is authentic! She breathes Jazz and it runs in her veins like old matured red wine. This awesome Jazz singer is now a regular at Birdland twice a week, with a show on Saturdays between 12 and 1 pm and another on Tuesdays, starting at 7 pm and ending... well, ending when Jackie says it's over! See her Performer bio here!

Welcome to the Bird, Jackie Lefko. You are home now.

UPDATE 11.01.2012:
Jackie decided to make BIRDLAND her EXCLUSIVE venue in Second Life.
If you wish to hear her sing, the Bird is the place. Thank you, Jackie!

UPDATE 11.13.2012:
See new status and news HERE!

Friday, October 26, 2012

The shape of things to come...

The return is now complete.
We reestablished connections lost and revived the ones we had kept beyond Second Life, and got Birdland up and running. There were lots of expectations as to the way it would hold its own, and for the most part the answers were clear as we knew them before hand.

People loved it, old friends were happy to see it again and we moved on to promoting the club by adding the Live Music factor to the mix. We had a great official opening with Tamra Hayden as the main attraction and a taste of Showgirls and Burlesque, and we went on to secure a weekly line up of regular singers, among them Harry Frychester and Pippa Exonar - a SL/RL couple - and Amereck Arabello.

We had a good time with these artists, and they brought magical and unique moments to Birdland, in particular Harry, who we love dearly because of his amazing talent as a singer as well as his unparalleled and irreverent wit as an entertainer. As much as we'd love to keep them forever, at this point in time we were forced to make hard choices. Real Life interfered and new responsibilities demand our attention, so we had to let go of Harry and Pippa. Amereck had RL responsibilities to look after and so we lost him too, but truth be told he would follow as well, since we have to cut back on all expenses.

That leaves us with the club itself and the singers who agree to perform without fees involved, investing their talent and time to help us keep it running. We have a few of those: Kitty Zeddmore, who has been with us for a few weeks now, Crooner Carlucci and now Jackie Lefko. They are amazing artists and we are privileged to have them on our stage. They may, however, be too few too late.

Though the reality is this decision should have been made sooner, as RL hit us, I in particular am too attached to the Bird to let it go, so we held on. But it's time for a reality check. Without support from our patrons there is no Birdland. Circumstances changed dramatically and we can no longer sustain it without that support, much as I would love to. So we are giving it another week. If by this time next week things remain the same, Birdland will be folded once more and it will remain safely put away until a better time.

As for me and Blysse, we have Showgirls to look after, and that is something that involves a lot of friends that have become a second family to us. We will not let them down. Our stage is settled in San Diego City, at the Balboa Theater, a venue put at our disposal by Ayesha Lytton, Tamra Hayden's assistant and a Showgirl herself, and we will continue rehearsing there and bringing our shows to the public there as well.
You will learn about it here too, since this blog will live on to perpetuate Birdland's legacy and prepare the ground for a future, better, day.

So if you want to show us your support, come visit us and help us keep Birdland up as long as possible under these circumstances, if you can't help, we understand and hope you at least come see it and enjoy it while it still stands. We thank you all for your support so far, appreciate all you can do at this time and hope to see you soon, either at the Bird or the Balboa.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pippa Exonar LIVE @ Birdland . 12 pm SLT

Pippa Exonar graces us once more with her amazing talent. An awesome entertainer with an extraordinary voice, she will Jazz our world today between 12 and 1 pm from the BIRD's stage.

Come join us for another unforgettable Jazzy moment, LIVE @ the BIRD. Put on your best formal attire and spend some time with us, listening to this beautiful performer and dancing by the waterfront...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

Kissing a 'Cockatoo'... Harry Frychester did it!

At the most intimate session @ the BIRD yet, Harry hits home. At last...

Yesterday night history was made at BIRDLAND. Those who belong to Harry Frychester's Rat Pack, his fan group, may have experienced this before, but knowing Jazz as I do, I'd say chances are even they were up for a treat! Each one of Harry's performances is as unique as himself, not only because he is a true Jazz Crooner, but also due to his talent as an entertainer and his marvelous personality.

We kind of joke, saying at BIRDLAND we bring out the naughtiest and the romance in Harry, but last night this became an established fact. And the audience responded in kind! Marsha Marsha Marsha, Blabbloblabladiblobla Bob (Happy Birthday!), Amish and CoCo... What an amazing hour this was.

Thank you, again, Harry for making Birdland even more special, and thank you all for supporting Harry and this venue we hope you get to love as much as we do. See you soon!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Schedule . 01 to 07 October

From this week on PIPPA EXONAR will perform at 1 pm every Saturday, moving from the 12 pm slot.
Amereck Arabello will be unavailable this weekend due to RL reasons.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


A very intimate session, with wonderful renditions of classics such as "You Look Wonderful Tonight", the Eric Clapton version no less. One of the reasons we exist is to allow such marvelous artist to have a stage to themselves and grace us with their talent. We are so proud to have Amereck among them.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Kitty Zeddmore LIVE @ Birdland

Kitty Zeddmore is making her debut on the Bird's stage today, becoming our fourth regular artist.
Kitty has been singing and playing trumpet most of her life and SL made it possible for her to become a performer and share her unique talent. Along with the Jazz song book, she improvises on the trumpet and both plays and sings in various songs. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Schedule . 24 to 30 September UPDATE

Updated Schedule: Kitty Zeddmore starts regular performances @ Birdland every Friday at 8 pm SLT.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday @ BIRDLAND...

It's weekend again @ the BIRD...
We had a Misfit DJ session at 11 am followed by PIPPA EXONAR LIVE, as always at 12 pm this day. Now we are slowly getting on Sunset mode... Couples are still dancing on the Sea Deck... That makes me smile. Do enjoy BIRDLAND between events. That's what this place is all about.

Later today, at 5 pm, AMERECK ARABELLO LIVE [*] on our stage, and at 7 pm another MISFIT DJ Session. And guess what, tomorrow is Sunday. So come and sway with us.

BIRDLAND Jazz Stream is on 24/7 too... It always is.

[*] Amereck Arabello was unable to perform today due to a RL emergency.

Friday, September 21, 2012


What can I tell you about Harry that you don't already know? He is talented, he is smooth, he has a voice that surprises you no matter how many times you hear him sing and he is a gifted entertainer with a wonderful sense of humor. Harry got to step on our stage, or rather it's edge as is his style, for the first time last night.

His performance, starting with a marvelous rendition of "Danny Boy" dedicated to his son and touching classics like "One For My Baby" and "L-O-V-E", was inspired and fluid, giving all who came to the Bird to hear him - and they were many! - another memorable night of Jazz. Thank you, Harry. And thank you all for gracing Birdland with your presence. We love to see a house filled with wonderful people!

Harry Frychester sings @ BIRDLAND every Thursday at 8 pm SLT.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New: The Performers page

The Performers page is now active.
A complete list of the singers performing at the Bird, with links to their webpages.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Amereck Arabello is one of our regular live Jazz singers at the Bird. He will debut on our stage today for your delight, and will do so every Saturday at the same time.
For those of you who have not witnessed Amereck perform, you are missing out! Amereck is the sound of smooth itself. His voice will mesmerize you as he sings your favorite Jazz melodies!

Every Saturday, at 5 pm SLT . Only @ Birdland

Spotlight on Alma Fushikizoh . SLE

Lanai Jarrico, from the Second Life Enquirer (SLE), a news source in SL since 2004, put me under her spotlight on this month's edition of the SLE. A wonderful way to let you know a little more about me, my Second Life and the experiences that lie within and beyond...
It was a privilege to have had this opportunity.

Thank you Lanai. Thank you SL Enquirer.

Pippa Exonar LIVE @ Birdland

From today on, Pippa Exonar sings regularly at the Bird.
Every Saturday at 12 pm, this awesome entertainer will Jazz our world with her talent, her voice matched by her amazing wits make this sessions trully unforgettable. We are so fortunate to have her!

Birdland . Best of Jazz in Second Life.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Schedule . 10 to 16 September

GRAND Weekend in Review

Birdland had a soft opening in August 2nd, marking the come back to SL, but it was this weekend that we celebrated the official return of the Bird by setting a line up that lasted from Friday evening to Sunday evening. Live artists, Showgirls and Burlesque and Live Misfit DJ sessions filled the Euro and US slots and the main event happened Saturday at 5 pm SLT, with Showgirls performing ALL THAT JAZZ before and after the amazing Tamra Hayden.

Showgirls and Burlesque . ALL THAT JAZZ mini . 6.5 mins

Tamra Hayden made the Bird's stage debut as our first live singer, and what a performance it was! We nearly crashed the sim but it went on nearly flawlessly on stage and the set was perfect. Tamra even sang a special version of "Girl From Ipanema" with a personal twist that made Alma Fushikizoh pass the f*** out (watch time frames 00:46 to 00:55 to hear Tamra's reaction to the faint). Here is a small taste.

Tamra Hayden

It was a great weekend full of stress for all the staff at Birdland, but it paid off immensely, since we achieved our goal - to let our friends know we are back regularly with even more reasons to remain their favorite place for dancing and romancing in SL and to make new ones!

Welcome back to the Bird!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Phil Setner LIVE @ Birdland. An amazing artist on stage for the first time at the Bird.
Part of the GRAND reOPENING, Phil's set was inspired and delightful.

We have regular live singers too @ Birdland. Check our schedule for more shows!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tamra Hayden on stage at the Bird

The great Tamra Hayden was the first Live singer to step on the Bird's stage for the Grand reOpening, this weekend. An amazing set that included a special cover of "Girl from Ipanema" and plenty of Kazoo snippets! We are proud to count Tamra among our Live entertainers and hope to have her on stage soon!

Over 44 people at one time, nearly 100 unique visitors. Thank you.


Showgirls and Burlesque at the Grand Weekend!

Showgirls in the poster:
Blysse Biondi and Jaine Elvehjem (dancers/wardrobe)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

Birdland rises from the ashes... Again

After almost 4 years away, but safely kept in the inventory of Alma Fushikizoh, Birdland returns to SL. This blog will allow you to know the Bird's history, past and present, as well as what we have in the making. On the right column you will find links to our dedicated pages, including the Events Schedule for the current month, also published on the blog post chain when first out.

We hope you will enjoy swinging through these pages as much as we enjoy writing them. Several authors will write on this blog, so expect a variety of content, ranging from music to work ethics, and always expect the unexpected for, as it is the case with our Misfit DJ sessions, Jazz is about improvisation and feeling. And so is this blog.

Birdland sits by the waterfront again, in The Caribbean. The Waterfall House can be seen behind it. July 2012.

Major changes are, apart from the obvious technical improvements, the regular DJ sessions scheduled for European and American audiences, the regular LIVE shows, featuring some of the best jazz voices in Second Life, and the return of Showgirls & Burlesque, one of the oldest SL burlesque line ups that have been dancing on stages all over the grid since 2006. Birdland is proud to be SG&B's native venue.

Those of you who have been in Second Life for some time already know how we view the Bird, those of you who were born after its disappearance will soon find out what Birdland is. Contrary to many other venues that claim Jazz in their titles, Birdland stays true to its original and many of the songs played there were actually recorded live at Birdland RL. Birdland in SL is far from a commercial venture and it was always the open lounge of Alma Fushikizoh and Blysse Biondi, the SL/RL couple that manages the venue as if it was an entertaining room in their house, a place to visit with friends and spend time dancing and talking with interesting people while listening to the sounds of the Jazz and Swing masters of yesterday and today.

Alma and Blysse dancing to Silje Neergard's rendition of "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered". August 2012.

For practical reasons, Alma and Blysse live near the Bird for the first time ever, and private spaces do exist, like their home, the Waterfall House. Visitors can stroll between all private spaces and the security system, though effective, is not aggressive, leaving a reasonable amount of time for the unaware wanderer to get back on public land. Outside the club grounds there are plenty of public spaces to enjoy, with dances available at virtually every corner of the parcel. So whatever you are looking for, whether a night out with friends dancing on the main floor and sea deck, a memorable conversation by the sea on the dinning deck or a private dance by the ocean or overlooking the Bird from the Marina, you will find it here. Again.

The Grand ReOpening is schedulled for the second weekend of September, with multiple events taking place that Saturday and Sunday, but Birdland is already operating and we are spinning the familiar Misfit DJ Sessions by resident DJ Alma Fushikizoh.

See SCHEDULE PAGE for details.

Final note:
A very special thank you to one of Birdland's finest friends, Inara Pey, who wrote a beautiful piece about the Bird in her blog, Living in a Modem World, entitled "Birdland returns to SL". You may find her once more at the Bird, dancing on our marble floors or playing the piano and singing along with Michael Bublé...

Welcome back to Birdland! We missed you!