Showgirls & Burlesque

Short: ALL THAT JAZZ | September 2012

 Showgirls and Burlesque return to Second Life after a long absence.
Celebrating Birdland's own Grand Reopening, they staged a short show adaptation of
Rob Marshal's "Chicago" film signature song, "All That Jazz", with a taste of Bob Fosse's "Cabaret" and a bow to his own master piece by the same name, "All That Jazz".
Opening and closing for Tamra Hayden and Phill Setner, the girls statement was heard, loud and clear.
We're Back!

feature: MOULIN ROUGE | February, March 2013

 Following "All That Jazz", the company moved to the Balboa Theater in San Diego, courtesy of Ayesha Lytton, Tamra Hayden's producer. The next project started rehearsal almost immediately and the vision of an adaptation of Baz Luhrman's "Moulin Rouge" to the stage, as seen by Blysse Biondi, came to life.

2013 Season at the Balboa started February 23 and closes March 24.
The Avant Premiére was shown on February 17, 2013.

The 2013 Season Booklet is now availabe, also with each of the 5 unique Season passes.

Producers: Alma Fushikizoh, Blysse Biondi, Ayesha Lytton
Director: Alma Fushikizoh
Choreograhers: Alma Fushikizoh, Blysse Biondi
Set Design: Alma Fushikizoh
Costume Design: Ingenue Campese
Special Technical Assistant: Dixie Barbosa
Production Design: Blysse Biondi, Alma Fushikizoh
Photography: Alma Fushikizoh
Musical Selection: Blysse Biondi
Sound Engineer: MJ - Mischievous John

Creative Performers:
Satine:  Jaine Elvehjem
Christian: MJ - Mischievious John
Toulouse Lautrec: Mishi - Mishimaishi Resident
The Green Fairy: Ada - Adalynne Kouris

 Duo Performers:
 Kaya - Kayanite Resident
 Marsha Mulberry
 MJ - Mischievious John
 Mishi - Mishimaishi Resident

Alma Fushikizoh
Blysse Biondi
Carlie - Carly Renee Senne
Sammy - Shayera Hol

Notes on the Production:

Moulin Rouge marks the return of Showgirls & Burlesque to the big stage in Second Life after a long absence. With this production, the company has raised the bar on all fronts, making this far and away their most ambitious spectacle to date. Ayesha of Solace Beach Estates in large part made this possible by giving the company the use of The Balboa Theater for rehearsals and performances.

The generous and sublimely gifted Ingenue Campese created and donated custom made exclusive costumes for every number. Alma Fushikizoh brought out her talents not just as a Showgirl but also as an artist, designing magnificent custom sets for each number. Alma and Blysse Biondi collaborated on bringing Blysse’s vision of the Moulin Rouge movie as Burlesque performance to life with a complex production design that pays homage to the film and tells the essence of the story in SG&B’s unique style. The ladies and gentlemen of Showgirls and Burlesque present Moulin Rouge proudly in honor of their founding mother, Svetlana Mosienko.

The production is dedicated with all of our hearts and love to the memory of Void Malaprop.

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